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History of HTML?


In the beginning…

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, working at the European particle physics
institute known as CERN (Centre European pour la Recherche Nucleaire), proposed
a system to allow scientists to share papers with other using electronic networking
methods. His idea became what is called the World-Wide Web. Since these documents
were to be shared, some common method coding them needed to be developed. Tim
Berners-Lee suggested that it be based on the already existing SGML. Here are
a few quotes from a 1990 CERN memo that Berners-Lee wrote:
HyperText is a way to link and access information of various kinds
as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will. It provides a single
user-interface to large classes of information (reports, notes, data-bases,
computer documentation and on-line help).
We propose a simple scheme incorporating servers already available
at CERN…
A program which provides access to the hypertext world we call a
It would be inappropriate for us (rather than those responsible)
to suggest specific areas, but experiment online help, accelerator online
help, assistance for computer center operators, and the dissemination of information
by central services such as the user office and CN [Computing & Networks]
and ECP [Electronics & Computing for Physics] divisions are obvious candidates.
WorldWideWeb (or W3 ) intends to cater for these services across the HEP
[ High Energy Physics ] community.
As you can see, Tim Berners-Lee put all of the basic pieces into place.
In 1992, when there were all of 50 web servers in the world, CERN released
the portable Web browser as freeware. Marc Andreesen, who was working at the
National Center for Supercomputing Applications, created a browser called Mosaic
which was released in 1993. Shortly after that, he left NCSA to found Netscape.
The first version of the Netscape browser implemented HTML 1.0.

#HTML 1.0

   The Hyper Text Markup Language was the brainchild of Sir Tim Berners-Lee. In 1991 he wrote a                document called “HTML Tags” in which he proposed fewer than two dozen elements that could be used      for writing web pages.

#HTML 2.0

   HTML 2.0 included everything from the original 1.0 specification but added a few new features to the            mix. 

   HTML 2.0 was the standard for website design until January 1997 and defined many core HTML features    for the first time.

#HTML 3.2

   In 1996 a consensus version, HTML 3.2, was issued. This added
   features like tables, and text flowing around images, to the official specification,
   while maintaining backwards compatibility with HTML 2.0. This also is a convenient
   place for marking the divergence in practice from the separation that Berners-Lee
    first made between logical structures and presentational elements

#HTML 4.0
  HTML 4.0 was recommended by the W3C in December ’97 and became the official standard in April         1998. Browser support was undertaken surprisingly earnestly by Microsoft in their Internet Explorer             browser. HTML 4.0 was a large evolution of the HTML standards, and the last iteration of classic HTML.

#XHTML 1.0

  This is the successor to HTML. The "X" stands for Extensible. This
is a reformulation of HTML 4.01 within   XML (Extensible Markup Language), which
 is far more rigorous, and is intended to start moving the             creation of Web pages
away from HTML.


  HTML5 was finalized, and published, on 28 October 2014 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).     This is the fifth revision of the HTML standard since the inception of the World Wide Web.

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