This article introduces you to various components of C- language statements . C - Tokens are the essential part of a C-compiler . A token is an individual entity of a C - program.C-statements having keywords , Identifiers , Constants , Strings , Operators and special symbols are called C-tokens. CHARACTER SET in C language includes alphabets (used to write C -statements and character constans) , digits (used to assign numeric data) , special symbols (used for special purposes such as to create relational statements and assignment statements). There are 30 spec ial symbols like <,>,<=,>=,== and many others and at last are white spaces . KEYWORDS and IDENTIFIERS Every word in C - language is a keyword or an identifier. Keywords cannot be used as a variable name , these are reserved words. For example: auto , break , case , else , struct etc. While Identifiers refer to name of user-defined variables , arrays , functions (we wi...